I see a lot of friends excited about the newest Hunger Games that is releasing today. I’ll admit I’ve read the books and I’ve watched the first two films. They left me not feeling too good. I loved the archery and a few of the characters, yet what’s honestly entertaining about watching children kill one another, in detail? Where are the good “parent” figures . . . there was none? And what’s the purpose of the story? Just think about it for a second . . . And the biggest question, where is God?
I watched an interview on Suzanne Collins, and really liked what she wanted to show and teach in her series, yet I feel like it has been buried under something much different.
I admit some books I’ve reviewed had some major flaws that didn’t settle will with me. I use the excuse that it’s just fiction. I’ve turned down books and refused to purchase others, some even from my favorite authors. No more dystopian please! It’s just so depressing.
So my question is, where do you draw the line on books and movies? I believe we don’t think about this enough.
This is something that’s been bugging me lately, especially being a “fantasy” writer. I sadly don’t freely admit that I’m a fantasy writer; I don’t like the questions that usually follow. So I hide it, because who likes to be looked at as being even stranger. ;-)
I like what Bryan Davis says in the video above. I was not a fan of him when I first came across him. Somehow I kept collecting books by him and letting them sit on my shelf. A few years ago I had a rough year of family members in the hospital. His “Dragons of Starlight” series comforted me. Sounds silly, but his writing honestly has God all over it.
I like books/movies that have a bigger purpose to them, that point to someone bigger and something deeper. Just my two cents and something I pray I’m doing with TROH, even with all its ugliness and many flaws.
I pray you too take this to heart.
~Philippians 4:8