Tuesday, September 22, 2009

CSFF Blog Tour :The Vanishing Sculptor

The September CSFF Blog Tour is on a book called, The Vanishing Sculptor by Donita K. Paul. I had the honor of meting Donita K. Paul last year at the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour... what an awesome lady with a huge heart, who really loves and enjoys what she does!

About the Author~
Donita K. Paul retired early from teaching school, but soon got bored! The result: a determination to start a new career. Now she is an award-winning novelist writing Christian Romance and Fantasy. She says, “I feel blessed to be doing what I like best.”

She mentors all ages, teaching teenagers and weekly adult writing workshops.

“God must have imprinted 'teacher' on me clear down to the bone. I taught in public school, then home schooled my children, and worked in private schools. Now my writing week isn’t very productive unless I include some time with kids.”

Her two grown children make her proud, and her two grandsons make her laugh.

Tipper is a young emerlindian who’s responsible for the upkeep of her family’s estate during her sculptor father’s absence. Tipper soon discovers that her actions have unbalanced the whole foundation of her world, and she must act quickly to undo the calamitous threat. But how can she save her father and her world on her own?

The task is too huge for one person, so she gathers the help of some unlikely companions--including the nearly five-foot tall parrot Beccaroon--and eventually witnesses the loving care and miraculous resources of Wulder. Through Tipper’s breathtaking story, readers will discover the beauty of knowing and serving God.

You can purchase The Vanishing Sculptor here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1400073391

And please check out her website http://www.donitakpaul.com/ it has tones of fun things like go to Fun Stuff and click on Offers... you can get a free personalized autographed Bookplate... how cool is that! Or go to Exclusives and click on Recipes that are from the world Amara ( some I'm for sure trying) and go to Interactive and click on Prize Drawing and enter for a chance to win a cool prize every month and receive Donita K. Paul's newsletter. I can't tell you everything that's there, cause there is so much! :)

And don't forgot to see what other bloggers for this months tour are saying about, The Vanishing Sculptor by Donita K. Paul :)

http://www.christiansciencefiction.blogspot.com"> Brandon Barr
http://jimfictionreview.blogspot.com/"> Jim Black
http://fantastyfreak.blogspot.com/"> Justin Boyer
http://bookshiddencorner.blogspot.com/"> Rachel Briard
http://www.kcreviews.blogspot.com"> Karri Compton
http://www.the160acrewoods.com/"> Amy Cruson
http://csffblogtour.com/"> CSFF Blog Tour
http://word-up-studies.blogspot.com"> Stacey Dale
http://www.scificatholic.com/"> D. G. D. Davidson
http://scriptoriusrex.blogspot.com/"> Jeff Draper
http://projectinga.blogspot.com/"> April Erwin
http://virtualbooktourdenet.blogspot.com/"> Karina Fabian
http://lindarg.wordpress.com/"> Linda Gilmore
http://anewnovelistsjourney.blogspot.com"> Todd Michael Greene
http://cloakanddaggerfiction.blogspot.com"> Katie Hart
http://realmofhearts.blogspot.com/"> Ryan Heart
http://jessebecky.wordpress.com/"> Becky Jesse
http://crisjesse.wordpress.com"> Cris Jesse
http://www.spoiledfortheordinary.blogspot.com/"> Jason Joyner
http://www.molcotw.blogspot.com/"> Julie
http://carolkeen.blogspot.com/"> Carol Keen
http://krystisbooks.blogspot.com/"> Krystine Kercher
http://momofkings.wordpress.com/"> Dawn King
http://rebeccaluellamiller.wordpress.com/"> Rebecca LuElla Miller
http://mirathon.blogspot.com/"> Mirtika
http://www.questwriter.blogspot.com/"> Eve Nielsen (posting later in the week)
http://linalamont.blogspot.com/"> Nissa
http://www.leastread.blogspot.com/"> John W. Otte
http://residentialaliens.blogspot.com/"> Lyn Perry
http://prochristroetlibertate.blogspot.com/"> Crista Richey
http://www.cherylrussellwrites.wordpress.com"> Cheryl Russell
http://www.chawnaschroeder.blogspot.com/"> Chawna Schroeder
http://www.jamessomers.blogspot.com/"> James Somers
http://specfaith.ritersbloc.com/"> Speculative Faith
http://www.rachelstarrthomson.com/inklings/"> Rachel Starr Thomson
http://www.epictales.org/blog/robertblog.php"> Robert Treskillard
http://christiansf.blogspot.com/"> Steve Trower
http://frederation.wordpress.com"> Fred Warren
http://www.fantasyandfaith.com"> Dona Watson
http://christian-fantasy-book-reviews.com/blog/"> Phyllis Wheeler
http://kerani-in-the-world.blogspot.com/"> Elizabeth Williams
http://kmwilsher.blogspot.com/"> KM Wilsher

http://enterthedoorwithin.blogstop.com">Wayne Thomas Batson


  1. Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. Sounds like you're a fan of the website. I think my webmaster is super. We have a library contest up. Check it out.

  2. Hey there is a big contest with big prizes at http://thequestfortruthbooks.blogspot.com/

  3. Wow... thank you Donita K. Paul, for leaving a comment on my blog :) Your website is pretty cool! I will for sure try to do your contest... thanks for letting me know that it is still going on and what a great idea :)

    B.D. Eastman, I entered you cool contest thank you for telling me :)
