Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/
Reader Age Range: 16+ (Just my opinion)
Page Count: 256
Publisher: WaterBrook Press (March 13, 2012)
Where angels walk the ground and the future is told in song, does a man of low rank have a chance at love with a princess?
In Camrithia, a land of shadows and mystical secrets, Trevin lives to serve King Laetham. But his heart belongs to the princess, Melaia. When the King sends Trevin on on a dangerous quest to find the missing comains—captains in the king’s army—he must leave Melaia to the advances of a swaggering Dregmoorian prince.
Challenged to prove his worth, Trevin throws himself into his quest. Striving to prove his love, Trevin undertakes a second mission—find the harps Melaia seeks in order to restore the stairway to heaven. Through fire caves, rogue winds, and murderous threats, Trevin remains steadfastly dedicated to his quest—even when he is falsely accused of a heinous crime. As Trevin’s time runs out, he realizes he must face the shame and horror of his own past and the nightmare that has come to life. Will he have the courage to finish what he has started?
~My Review:
Eye of the Sword, had a lot I loved in it and a lot I disliked. I really loved the characters! The author did a beautiful job on making the "reader" bond with very layered characters in sort of a short time. Truly this book is sort of small, but doesn't lack any poor details in her many characters and different lands.
Trevin was my favorite character and the main one in the story. He grew into greatness and you grew with him. Through every trial and victory. All in all I really loved the main part of the storyline, yet a big "theme" of the story I highly disliked. And that theme was the author's opinion on Angels. I'm not going to go into details, but instead I'll kindly say I disagree... very much so.
This is book two of the series. I did not read book one and I must say I wasn't lost. I don't usually like to do that in a series, but I honestly felt fine without reading book one. Plus the teaser for this book sounded awesome so I had to get it. I just wish I did some more deeper studying into it, beforehand. I would of had a better understanding on her Angel stuff.
I wouldn't personally recommend this book, yet I wouldn't say to not read it either. It truly had a great story and lovely writing. I just really disliked her Angel stuff and it also didn't really feel Christian to me. God wasn't really mentioned in it much... I think I can remember three very small times and it wasn't anything big. So instead I'm going to say to check out what the other tour members are saying about it and then make that decision yourself.
http://kinynchronicles.blogspot.com/"> Julie Bihn
http://tulipdrivenlife.blogspot.com/"> Thomas Fletcher Booher
http://www.AdventuresInFiction.blogspot.com/"> Keanan Brand
http://rbclibrary.wordpress.com/"> Beckie Burnham
http://castlereads.blogspot.com/"> Jackie Castle
http://kittycrochettwo.blogspot.com"> Brenda Castro
http://jeffchapmanwriter.blogspot.com/"> Jeff Chapman
http://www.theiemommy.com/"> Christine
http://tweezlereads.blogspot.com/"> Theresa Dunlap
http://in--and--out.blogspot.com/"> Cynthia Dyer
http://vicsmediaroom.wordpress.com/"> Victor Gentile
http://realmofhearts.blogspot.com/"> Ryan Heart
http://thequietpen.wordpress.com/"> Janeen Ippolito
http://www.spoiledfortheordinary.blogspot.com/"> Jason Joyner
http://carolkeen.blogspot.com/"> Carol Keen
http://emileightherebuilder.blogspot.com/"> Emileigh Latham
http://blackanddarknight.wordpress.com/"> Rebekah Loper
http://www.shannonmcdermott.com/?page_id=189"> Shannon McDermott
http://www.domesticdissident.blogspot.com"> Karen McSpadden
http://www.bloomingwithbooks.blogspot.com/"> Meagan @ Blooming with Books
http://rebeccaluellamiller.wordpress.com/"> Rebecca LuElla Miller
http://annamittower.blogspot.com//"> Anna Mittower
http://thebookfae.wordpress.com"> Mirriam Neal
http://linalamont.blogspot.com/"> Nissa
http://labornotinvain.blogspot.com/"> Faye Oygard
http://dadscancooktoo.com/"> Nathan Reimer
http://www.chawnaschroeder.blogspot.com/"> Chawna Schroeder
http://reviewsfromtheheart.blogspot.com/"> Kathleen Smith
http://www.mindsinger.com/"> Donna Swanson
http://jessicathomasink.com/blog/"> Jessica Thomas
http://christiansf.blogspot.com/"> Steve Trower
http://www.shanewerlinger.com/"> Shane Werlinger
http://christian-fantasy-book-reviews.com/blog/"> Phyllis Wheeler To purchase the Book follow this link - http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Sword-Novel-Angelaeon-Circle/dp/030773014X/
Take a peek at the Author’s Web site - http://www.karynhenleyfiction.com/Karyn_Henley_Fiction/welcome.html
Follow the Author's Blog - http://www.maybeso.wordpress.com/
Become a fan of the Author on her Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karyn-Henley/140411189331787?v=wall
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. Thank you
Tomorrow I'm doing a book review on Dawnsinger by Janalyn Voigt. So be sure to come back ;-)
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