Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 49: Love, Sex, and Purity...

Since I've dedicated the whole month of February on Love... I thought it might be good to look at the value of love, sex, and purity.

I recently read a wonderful post on Love, Sex and Purity at:

Please read his entire PDF... and feel free to share it with your friends.

I was fortunate to be raised in a really good home that has taught me wonderful values on this topic, yet I see too many of my friends and peers throughout the years, that are not open to talking about it with their parents, nor their parents being open to talk about it to them.

Please also know this has a great section on learning to become pure again. None of us are perfect, we all do things we regret and it is never too late to learn to value yourself. You are valued way more than you know. Stand against what the world is telling you and push back the pressure of what others may be telling you... You are worth more and loved by your creator so very much!

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