Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76: Inspired...

Due to fighting a nasty head cold, my post is going to be a little short today and not so personally written from my heart. Hopefully tomorrow I'll come up with a more original one :-)

Every weekday morning I receive a short beautiful devotion in my e-mail by Inspired from WaterBrook Mulnomah  .  Here are two recent ones, that blessed me. I hope they bless you too. Check out Inspired and sign up free today to receive a little devotional every weekday morning.

The truth is, God not only desires you to live extraordinarily but also has equipped you to do so. Don’t ever forget these words. Etch them on the tablet of your heart. A remarkable, amazing, extraordinary life is not restricted to certain individuals or professions. It doesn’t matter who you are or how you serve in life. If you’re a schoolteacher, businessperson, government leader, stay-at-home mom, athlete, factory worker, hairstylist, student, pastor (the list is endless), it doesn’t matter, because you were created for extraordinary achievements in that role. The power to accomplish remarkable feats and live an exceptional life is not tied to an occupation but to a disposition of the heart. This is not only God’s will but also His great pleasure.
— Excerpted from Extraordinary by John Bevere

How can you change your heart to live an extraordinary life for God?

When I look at Jesus’ life, I see someone who knew how to live. In fact, Jesus knew how much time He had left. So how did He live when He knew He had one month left on earth? He lived out these four principles that we’ve looked at. First, He lived passionately. In fact, we call the end of His life the passion of Christ. He lived His life all out, totally for His Father and to make a difference in the world. Jesus was the most passionate person who ever lived, and He wants us to live with that same passion. In John 10:10 He says, “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness” (GNT).
— Excerpted from One Month to Live by Kerry Shook

What can you do today to start living a passionate, Jesus-inspired life?

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